A Decade of Dedication: Genese’s Journey with Moderation Management

Welcome to our monthly series, “Volunteer Showcase”! Each month, we highlight one of our incredible Moderation Management volunteers who has gone above and beyond in their dedication and service. This series aims to recognize their hard work, share their inspiring stories, and celebrate the positive impact they make in our community. Check back monthly to meet our amazing volunteers and learn more about their contributions!  Click here to explore  our current volunteer opportunities and join our team.

Genese aka HorseLover – MM Volunteer & Executive Committee Member

When Genese first stumbled upon Moderation Management (MM) in the middle of the night, desperately searching for help, she found more than just a program—she discovered a lifeline. Now, about a decade later, Genese has become an integral part of the MM community, wearing multiple hats and touching countless lives.

As a Listserv Co-coordinator, Secretary/Treasurer, and member of the Executive Team, Genese’s commitment to MM runs deep. Her journey began when Mary Reid, MM’s former Executive Director, invited her to help with the Listserv. From there, Genese’s role expanded to fundraising and eventually to serving as secretary/treasurer.

“Genese’s generous spirit and calm demeanor are the qualities that make her one of MM’s longest tenured and most valuable volunteers. Her passion for helping others, as MM has helped her, permeates every interaction she has with participants, staff, the Board, and other volunteers.” writes Andrea Pain, Interim Executive Director of MM. “When the going gets tough here at MM, Genese is my biggest cheerleader, and I am deeply grateful for her support, both of me personally and of the whole organization.”

What drives Genese’s dedication? “I remember my own middle of the night desperation, searching for help, and the relief I felt when I finally stumbled upon MM,” she shares. “I want MM to be more widely known as a viable alternative for people seeking a different relationship with alcohol. I don’t want others to have to search as hard as I did.”

Her volunteer work has not only impacted others but has also been a cornerstone of her own moderation journey. “Volunteering has kept me tethered to MM when I might otherwise have wandered off into the weeds,” Genese admits. This connection to MM and the lifelong friends she’s made keeps her grounded and focused on her goals.

One of the most rewarding aspects of Genese’s volunteer work is the sense of continuity she feels with MM’s history. “I am deeply grateful for the work they did to pave the way for others like me, and I’d like to think that some small thing I do might be a part of helping someone else,” she reflects. This connection to MM’s past and future resonates deeply with Genese, echoing the adage, “The opposite of addiction is connection.”

Outside of MM, Genese is an avid runner—a hobby that has surprising parallels with her moderation journey. “When I’m tired or bored and don’t want to keep running, I’ll ask myself if I can run just 100 more steps, and every single time I can,” she explains. “And when I’m about to give up on a night of abs’ing or moderating, I’ll ask myself if I can wait just 15 more minutes. And of course, I can.”

To those considering volunteering with MM, Genese offers enthusiastic encouragement: “Go for it! Just like your moderation pilgrimage, you can volunteer as much or as little, as often or as seldom as you’d like. It might feel daunting to raise your hand and get involved, but I bet it was daunting to take your first MM step too, and look at you now!”

Genese’s story is a testament to the power of community, perseverance, and giving back. Known on the MM Listserv as HorseLover, she embodies the spirit of MM—always striving, always supporting, and always celebrating the effort.

“I don’t know if I would still be here without MM,” Genese reflects. “The connections I’ve made as a member and then as a volunteer have changed the course of my life. I’ve formed deep and lasting friendships with people I will never meet face to face, yet they have saved my life.”

Genese’s journey with Moderation Management is a powerful reminder that in helping others, we often find our own path to healing and growth. Her decade of dedication has not only strengthened MM but has also shaped her into the person she is today—a true testament to the transformative power of volunteering and community support.


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